Pyrogen Monocyte Activation Test (MAT)

NEW Sustainable Pyrogen Testing with PyroCell® Monocyte Activation Tests

Sensitive Detection, Reliable Results, No Rabbits

With PyroCell® Monocyte Activation Tests (MAT) we can eliminate the reliance on rabbit-based pyrogen testing, helping to ensure drug product safety and compliance.

Human Specific

Monocyte Activation Test uses the human innate immune system to measured pyrogens. The assay uses human monocytes, the key cells of innate immunity, that respond to the presence of endotoxins or non-endotoxin pyrogens. 

The advantage of the MAT test include the stimulation of a human response (RPT: mammal response), introduction of experimental controls and cost savings. Therefore, the MAT is closing the gap between patient safety and other regulatory requirements.

Sensitive, robust, reliable – Benefits of PyroCell® Monocyte Activation Test System

  • Patient safety – detection of the full range of pyrogens in one test
  • No experimental rabbits – acknowledged by regulators to replace the rabbit pyrogen test
  • Human-specific – mimics the innate human response to pyrogens
  • Flexible – 2 validated system kits meeting product-specific and sustainability demands
  • Standardized – robust application and assay controls meet high sensitivity for reliable results
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With the  PyroCell® MAT System and the PyroCell® MAT HS System you can now bring sensitive and reliable detection of endotoxins and non-endotoxin pyrogens (NEP) to a test plate, saving experimental rabbits while ensuring safe medicines.

PyroCellTM Monocyte Activation Test System.

Catalog #: 254714

The PyroCellTM MAT System, IL-6 is an all-inclusive kit to conduct the MAT assay. It contains 3 vials of cryopreserved, pooled PBMC (pMAT Cells), 3 vials of MAT Culture Medium Supplement, the PeliKine compact human IL-6 kit and the PeliKine tool set, sufficient for 288 test (3x 96-well microtiter plates plate).

PyroCell® Monocyte Activation Test – Human Serum. System

Catalog #: 279791

The PyroCell® Monocyte Activation Test – Human Serum System (PyroCell® MAT HS System) is an all-inclusive kit to conduct the Monocyte Activation Test. It contains 3 vials of cryopreserved, pooled PBMC (human, pMAT Cells), 3 vials Human Serum Supplement, the PeliKine compact human IL-6 kit and the PeliKine tool set, for 288 test (3x 96-well microtiter plates).